Monday, April 25, 2011

2 Weeks!

Since I'm sitting here counting down the minutes to lunch and the days left of work... I thought I would share some pics of Des Moines that I took when I was there for my interview.

Yup, the capitol dome is gold plated! They have a river running through the middle of the city (like Portland). This is an art piece of a fallen leaf.  Just to show that it isn't all cornfields where we are going. We will take those pics in June :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jarrett welcomes Jarrett to the blog

That's me on the left.

I would like to cordially invite myself to this blog, and I Corddry expect. This blog will be a way to air out our thoughts as Kristina and I cross the country and back. Maybe we'll find a dead body or my bike that Francis stole, or maybe we'll throw a ring into a lake of fire. This will be the blog to read about it... Ah yes, it will be good to hit the road again. Keep on truckin' my fellow golden flower children!

Here We Go!

Monday, April 11, 2011

April Updates

Where to start? First, please notice my updated profile and blog description. Everything is and will continue to change very quickly these next few months. I have added a calendar app on the side so you can see where we are this summer!

Jarrett and I have officially put in our 1 month notices at work. Our last day will be May 6, 2011. It is kind of strange to have such a short time left here. It is also exciting to leave on good terms with such a wonderful adventure ahead of us! We are getting more and more busy as this trip gets closer. Spring brings everyone out of their hibernation. It also marks the beginning of gardening season (yes we are still planting a garden this year). That is another post, maybe I will leave it for Jarrett to write...We are also spending time with friends and getting our fill of our favorite restaurants. I am also winding down my volunteering with the Gluten Intolerance Group. The final event will be the Gluten Free Food Fair on May 7. Come down and visit us if you are around! The fair is at All Saints Catholic Church on 39th and Glisan. You can’t go wrong with the great vendors of gluten free goodies. I am so grateful for my experiences with GIG and work over the last few years. I can’t wait to share my knowledge of gluten-free and lab workings with my new cohort at DMU!

Another thing keeping Jarrett and I busy is packing. We will be travelling light to Des Moines, taking only what fits into our 2 cars. Luckily, we are taking some sentimental items to my parent’s house in Boise to store while in Iowa. My favorite recent purchase is a bike rack for my car. We will take as much of Portland with us to Iowa as we can. I have little piles all over the house, things for the road trip, things for Idaho and things for Iowa. (Yes, I know the names of the two states are very similar. I have been confusing myself of which “I” state the pair of shoes I’m holding are going). My current big project is to go paper-free. I am working on scanning all papers from my file cabinet into my computer. It is a larger project than I anticipated, but it feels so nice to be free of those messy boxes of paper!

With all these activities, the most important to me is to spend as much time with Portland friends as possible.  All of the projects will work themselves out (yay for procrastination), but friends are the important part of my life.  So, we will be planning several going away parties in May and July and are hoping to catch up individually with friends as well.  Please help us with these if you have any ideas, we are currently in the brainstorming stages.