Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Since the interview is coming up fast and I had a random day off, I decided to look for my suit. Of course, it isn't easy being such a small size to find any professional clothes. (yeah, I know it is a random issue to have). I got lucky today, found this dress and a nice black blazer to go over. Granted, I spent more money than I hoped, but this outfit should last me forever. If the outfit helps boost my confidence, and it helps me get into medical school, then the cost doesn't matter. (I'm not sure if this reasoning really makes sense, but it does in my head).

I am also STILL working on essays. The two Oregon schools are the current two. I wrote a lot today, hopefully can get one sent off tomorrow and the other by the end of this week. There seems to be so much going on that I am having a hard time getting enough quality time to finish these. I can and I will do it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I got my first email inviting me to an interview in September! I am excited, but nervous. I haven't thought about all the details of actually going to an interview. I feel like I have so many things going on this month that I can't catch my breath. I am still working on essays, I have the 2 Oregon schools to complete, and 2 more in the midwest that I think I should apply to as well.
Looking at all this, money is going to be tight for a while. Oh boy. Getting an interview seems like a very good sign, hopefully things will continue to progress this smoothly for the next step as well (getting accepted)!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Touching base

Things have been quite crazy lately. Balancing life with these secondary essays and applications. Enjoying every moment of summer and the garden, keeps me outdoors instead of inside writing essays. I am getting there though. I believe I have about 4 more secondaries to submit. The schools I have applied to have sent confirmation emails that my file is complete. Things are moving along smoothly.

I'm off to run some errands before work. I finally got a week to train, gain skills, and most importantly confidence. (and of course a break from my regular location!).